torsdag 17. januar 2013

You dont have to understand me...

but respect me.
I get a lot of questions about my personal life,specially about what i do when it comes to what i do daily and job and stuff.
First of all okei,its a fair question.but the answer is not what u imagined i guess.
Cuz i dont have a job,i dont work in a store or im not a nurse or anything like that.
Actually i work with myself and i have my own battles to win daily.
I guess not many people know that,or understand.
I dont blame ya,cuz im difficult to understand.But u just have to respect me,and that this is who iam.
For me this is a very sensitive subject.Because i feel like i always have to keep my gard up and explain and defend why my life is like just is.
Things happend in my life,and the results where not cool.My life changed when i was 17.Ive been thru a lot of shit that i really dont want to talk about,so when people ask me..why dont u have a job..why dont u work..why are u just home..blahhh blahh blahhhh..well,fuck you.
U dont know shit bout the stuff ive been thru.And when u then ask but whyyyyyy...i have to explain my life..and i hate that,cuz 98% of yall dont even understand,only the ones that actually been thru the same shit understands,and God bless ya all.
I know people who been thru so much shit in theyr life..the same shit ive been thru,and some have been thru other shit.But i dont compare,cuz u cant..its all sad,painful and we all got stories behind our eyes.I dont know what more to write,cuz this is to personal for me..

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